Wednesday, October 17, 2007

What's goin' on...

Sooo... 23 days from today, Ella Claire will be here! We can't wait! The time was going so slow and now it seems I cant get things done fast enough! I took out some of the clothes we have for her and folded them all up. Of course I didnt take the tags off of all of them JUST IN CASE they got the sonogram wrong! That has been in my mind lately hahaha...I told Steven we better have a boy name ready to go in case! This weekend I am going to go to get the rest of the stuff we need before she gets here! I love baby shopping :)

I have been having a lot of labor symptoms lately but last night was the worst! I really swore I was going into labor. When Steven came home from work I laid down and that didnt help, buttttt a hot bath, double fudge brownie ice cream and Tylenol did! AND, I actually slept pretty well!

Josiah and I both caught a cold this past weekend and thank God Josiah is starting to feel better. I have the whole stuffy head, sore throat and congestion thing going on so I am hoping I dont give it back to him!

In sadder news, Steven has been having LOTS of joint pain for more than a month. He finally went to the dr. last week and was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. It was very scary for us, and I think I took it harder than him. But he is going to see a specialist at the end of the month and we are just praying that they will be able to give him medicines and tips to help him out. It bothers me to see him in pain day and night. Its a horrible disease!

As far as the munchkin is concerned, he is TOOOOOOO cute (if I do say so myself!) His newest thing is singing songs and the other day he started singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and he sounds sooooo cute! Its nearly impossible to catch it on video though!

Anyway thats the news around these parts! This weekend we will be going pumpkin picking! I cant wait!

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