Friday, October 5, 2007

The kiddos....

So, here's an update on Josiah and Ella hanging out in utero :)

Josiah is now 21 months old and is getting SOOOOO big. He's losing all of his baby looks and is becoming quite the crazy little boy. He loves dirt, bugs, balls, cars, bikes and throwing himself around. He talks a lot (I've lost count of how many words he knows), speaks in some sentences, can count to 20, say most of his ABCs, knows his shapes (my favorite is when he says octagon, it sounds like "ock-a-kon". He can't really figure out his colors yet...he knows the names but can't really identify most. He thinks everything is either blue or red. He is soooo silly and knows what to do to make us laugh. He is still VERY shy with those he doesn't know. He LOVES Dora the Explorer, puzzles and driving lil' cars around the house.

Here are a few recent pics of him:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I dont think he totally gets the fact that a baby will be joining us soon. He says "baby" and knows where all of her stuff is...but I'm anxious to see his reaction when she is here.

Speaking of the baby, Ella is doing well. No problems to report. My c-section is tentatively scheduled for 11/9. I can't wait to meet her and see her and Josiah interact (not to mention I cant wait to NOT be pregnant!)

so thats the news in the kiddo dept!

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