Thursday, January 17, 2008


Top Ten Reasons You Should All Move to NC!

10. It snows like 1/4" and all the companies close, schools close and the news has special coverage all night!

9. You'll never have to leave your car thru banks, food, pharmacies and best of all...Drive thru Starbucks! Can life get ANY sweeter!? This is especially important for moms with sweet little more tantrums based on being buckled in and out of their carseat every 2 minutes!

8. People at the drive thrus are actually nice! Service with a smile exists!


6. Smooth roads! No potholes!!! Our taxes actually go towards something here!

5. NO SUBWAYS. EVER. Now that's cause for happiness.

4. No paying to park in a mall! I mean how RIDICULOUS and New York-ish is that!? You are already going there to spend your money!

3. A half million will buy you a MANSION here with lots of land and NICE neightbors, plus all the benefits listed above! We all know what $500k will NOT buy in NY!

2. Car insurance costs peanuts here!


Monday, January 14, 2008

In contract!

wooooo-hooooooooooooooooooooo...we're in contract on the townhome, scheduled to close 2/25!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Josiah and his shapes...

Bad habits...

Somehow Josiah's index finger seems to be crazy-glued inside his nose...*sigh* hahaha

He, for some reason, like to stick his hand in his diaper to show me the mess he has just made (as if I can't smell it)

He picks the skin from his top lip (I must admit, he learned this from me).

And he likes to announce the bodily functions of OTHERS, but not himself. Long ago were the day you could try to pass off your bodily function in way, Jose. Josiah doesn't miss a beat!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Some cute pics...

Josiah being cute
"Man, that cookie was DELICIOUS!"
The closest I have ever gotten to having them take a pic together :)

Josiah and Tio Richie

Amy and Ella

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A new house!

We put a bid on a townhome yesterday! It's 3 floors, 1976 sq. ft, 4 brs, 3.5 baths and gorgeous! We wanted a single family but this one needed no work and is in the best school district in the county. If we get it we will just stay here for a few years and then possibly move to a single family. Anyway, I will give you all updates if our offer is accepted!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!!!!

I hope you all are blessed in 2008!