Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Two steps forward, one step back

Packing with a toddler running around is INSANE! Its just impossible! He is the cutest thing in the world but while I am putting things in boxes, he pulls them out from the other end!

We are maybe 80% packed and the truck is coming tommorrow! Please keep Steven in prayer because its a lot of work for him. He has some help in NY and NC, which is great. But it will still be very hot!

In other news, I spoke with me benefits person at work and found out that my health insurance will cover ALL of my c-section expenses down south! I am completely in awe of how this whole thing is working out!

The sad thing is, my last day in the office is Friday and my co-workers are some of the best friends I have! I was on the verge of tears today and have a feeling Friday I am going to be a mess! :(

1 comment:

D.A.C. said...

God Bless you guys and this wonderful new venture in your lives. Call us if you need help with anything.

Love the Conde's