Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas 2007

We had our first NC Christmas and it was really nice! Even though we had no family here this year (Amy went up to NY) it was still a lot of fun! On Christmas Eve we went to Crystal & Elliot's house, friends that moved here from NY about 2 years before us. Crystal cooked an AMAZING meals and we ate, played games and had a small gift exchange! It was a lot of fun.

On Christmas day we opened our gifts and relaxed in the morning. Then we went to a Christmas open house where there was a large group of people from our church also. We just hung out, sang christmas carols and was nice to be with such great people when your family is not around. That night, I made a Christmas dinner of meatloaf and baked potatoes (we had turkey and ham the night before!)

Here are some pictures of our little Christmas! Ella and Josiah racked up!!! Josiah got a big remote control train from us, a toddler songs cd, some books, a sippy cup, coloring books and crayons. Ella got a bunch of little toys and of course, clothes :). Uncle Richie and Aunt Kerry sent them a whole bunch of toys and books! I had to hide Ella's toys from Josiah because he wanted to play with all of them! Then Josiah's godfather, Tio Al and his wife, Pat, sent Josiah and Ella THE CUTEST pajamas! I LOVEEEE pajamas for the kids! My sister, Vicky, sent them outfits with matching patterns (so cute!) and my Aunt Linda and Uncle Charles sent Josiah a little train that he LOVES!!! He runs it around the house saying CHOO-CHOO! And...Christmas isnt over for them because my sister came back from NY and on Friday we are having our little Christmas on Friday so she can bring over the gifts my parents sent and the gifts she bought them...these are some spoiled kids!

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