Tuesday, November 6, 2007


So here's my chance to brag about Josiah and only Josiah before Ella comes in and steals some of his thunder...

So, my little boy is just the CUTEST thing ever. His vocabulary has exploded lately and he repeats EVERYTHING we say. He LOVES balls! Anywhere he can get his little hands on one, he tries it! He points out every ball he sees too! In the SuperTarget here, they have big red statue type balls outside the store and he says "BIGGGGG ball." He just cannot help himself. He also LOVES to color! We bought him a big floor pad with paper to color on and he will sit there forever just to color. Of course we have to do it with him and draw the shapes he tells us to draw. He loves Dora the Explorer (an educational cartoon that is SERIOUSLY annoying after awhile) and anything with music he can dance to. He is in the stage where he wants me to check out everything he is doing, so he is always like "Mommy, look!"...at least 50 times a day!

There is sooooooo much more about this kid I can write but it would take me forever. All in all he is such a sweetheart! He really is a good kid, and if the terrible two's exist, then we will cross that bridge when we get to it. For now, Josiah really makes every day soooo unique and happy and I can not imagine my life without him!

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