Thursday, January 17, 2008

Top Ten Reasons You Should All Move to NC!

10. It snows like 1/4" and all the companies close, schools close and the news has special coverage all night!

9. You'll never have to leave your car thru banks, food, pharmacies and best of all...Drive thru Starbucks! Can life get ANY sweeter!? This is especially important for moms with sweet little more tantrums based on being buckled in and out of their carseat every 2 minutes!

8. People at the drive thrus are actually nice! Service with a smile exists!


6. Smooth roads! No potholes!!! Our taxes actually go towards something here!

5. NO SUBWAYS. EVER. Now that's cause for happiness.

4. No paying to park in a mall! I mean how RIDICULOUS and New York-ish is that!? You are already going there to spend your money!

3. A half million will buy you a MANSION here with lots of land and NICE neightbors, plus all the benefits listed above! We all know what $500k will NOT buy in NY!

2. Car insurance costs peanuts here!


1 comment:

Locks said...

Couldn't agree with you more. 3 years ago my husband, son and I made the opposite move to NY. I didn't know how spoiled I was. There are some great things about NYC, but a visit is enough. I count the days til I move back to NC.