Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A romantic night out...without Steven!

Ahhh made ya look!!!!

So Steven had school tonight and I had cabin fever! So I decided Josiah and I would go out (I was feeling brave!) We went to the mall and he had to walk around since his stroller was in my car and I was driving Amy's car...I was afraid he would run around like a madman but he was such a good boy!!!! We went into our favorite store (Children's Place!) and Josiah got a shirt and of course, one for Ella. (Less than $10 for both, I might add!)

Anyway, so since he was SUCH a good boy, I decided to push my luck :) We went out to dinner at Carabba's (its like a nicer Olive Graden for you NYers :) - Amy waits tables there so we went to visit her. Anyway, I was really afraid of being out in a nice restaurant with him by myself but all went well! He was the perfect gentleman and I am such a lucky momma!

I feel so accomplished!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A lil' update...

Oh man, I am really trying to keep up with this thing better...

Anyway, we are still doing very well. Steven started school and loves it. Josiah is his usual crazy self. He now says "please" and "thank you" which melts our hearts! Whenever he sees food he wants (which is often), he says "Mmmmm, goooood!" We get so suckered by this kid! He just turned 20 mos. and I can't believe he will be 2 soon! It will also be interesting to introduce him to Ella. Yesterday I was at a friend's house and there was a 6 week old little boy there. Josiah was staring and waving at I hope he will react as well when Ella is born :)

As far as Ella goes, she is doing well. I went to my first prenatal visit in NC and it went well! The dr. was great and he said Ella is doing just fine. For now, it looks like they will schedule my c-section around the 12th of November unless I go into spontaneous labor or something happens with Ella where they need an earlier c-section. I can't believe in less than 3 mos. we will have another baby! Heck, we still hold Josiah until he falls asleep and he sleeps with us hahaha...adding another baby in the mix will be interesting!

Also, Joe & Mayra (Steven's parents) sent Ella a PINK activity center, a PINK bouncer and a PINK hamper! I can't believe I will have pink in my house. As much as I always wanted a girl, I only saw myself with boys!

So that's the update over here! Talk to you all soon!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

The lil' prodigy strikes again...

I just LOVE this video...I thought you would all enjoy it too :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

We're alive!!!!!

So sorry I haven't updated this site! Its been so crazy around here! We have lots of updates!

Well, first of all, we are settling in nicely in Charlotte. We LOVEEEEEEE it here and Josiah loves it even more! We have a huge apartment with CENTRAL AIR and a pool outside we use quite often! Josiah has lots of room to run around and he loves going outside to look at the bugs, moon, stars, sky...he is constantly pointing at something and getting all excited! If we are out at night he says "oooh mooooon, star" In the morning he looks out the window and says "ooooh, car!" He LOVES it! Everyone is SO nice out here and its so much more of a relaxed atmosphere.

My pregnancy is coming along very nicely, and seems to be going A LOT quicker than when I was pregnant with Josiah. Ella is kicking up a storm and keeps me up a lot at night...but I cant complain cause I feel great! Here is a pic of me a little more than halfway through. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketI found a dr. out here and he will be scheduling the date for my c-section next week. It will probably be the 1st or 2nd weeok of November. The hospital is like 5 minutes from our house!

In other news, Steven enrolled at the college down here and will be starting classes on August 14. He is soooooooooo excited and I am happy for him! Its going to be difficult because as soon as he finds a job, he will be working FT and going to school 4 nights a week. Plus, I am working from home FT with what will be 2 kids to take care of! But I know everything will work out. When Josiah turns two, we will probably put him in pre-school a couple of days per week, which will lighten my load a little bit (not emotionally of course, I think I will cry every day!)

Speaking of the lil man...Here are a couple of recent pics of Josiah by the pool :)
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Anyway, that is the update in our part of the country! I will keep up with this blog more and I hope everyone is doing well! We miss u all!

You can always email us at -