Thursday, May 24, 2007

The best feeling EVER!!!!

Yesterday I felt the baby kick for the first time!!! I had been feeling things for a couple of days and wondering if they were kicks or gas...(hahaha, hey Im pregnant!)..but it was definitely a kick yesterday!!! Seriously, Im not the biggest fan of pregnancy but feeling the baby kick is the best feeling ever! It took me a while to feel it with Josiah and every time I felt him kick I would tell Steven "feel him!"...Steven got sick of it after a while hahahaha...but to me it never got old (except when his feet were lodged in my ribs!)

Anyway...thats the news :)

Josiah now points at my belly and says "bay-beee." I wonder how he is going to react when the baby actually comes. He is sooooo spoiled and totally has Steven and I wrapped around his fingers! I think he will be ok though :)

Monday, May 21, 2007

Mother's Day and other stuff :)

Oooops! Sorry I haven't posted in about a week!!! Here's a quick update :)

For Mother's Day we went out with my sister, brother in law and their tribe of 5 kids! We all went to Johnny Rockets and had a great time! Josiah got to run around the little grass area with his cousins...lots of fun until he fell and busted his lip. My poor baby! But all he needed was some juice and he was as good as new! Here are some pics:

Josiah is doing good! He is talking up a storm now and he runs around the house with the cell phone screaming "Dad-DY, Dad-DY!" He loves balls, trucks, dirt and any other boy toy you can think of.

The pregnancy is coming along great! We find out the sex on June 25 so give your best guess...girl or boy!

Here I am at 12 weeks pregnant :)

So all in all, we are doing well! I will try to keep updating as often as possible :)
Tally-O for now!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Big news all around...

Well I think this year will be marked as one of the most eventful for us...

We found a house we like in NC and will probably be putting a bid on it this weekend! AHHHHH...its exhilirating but scary too! So let's see what happens will that! We will keep you updated!

Here are recent sonogram pics of Josiah's little brother or sister...ANY GUESSES?! Steven wants a girl badly...I would love Josiah to have a little brother but I will be happy either way!!!! I am now 3 mos along and everything is going well so far!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

We're back from (not so) sunny PR!

We're back and we survived 2 flights with a rambunctious toddler!!! Josiah loved looking at the plane and kept saying "pane!!!." On the flight there he slept half the way and played the rest. The only thing he pulled on me was that I took him to the bathroom to change him, and 5 minutes later he pooped in a fresh diaper and STUNK UP the plane, only for the seatbelt sign to come on and us to be stuck in our seats for the next 15 minutes enduring the smell. So terrible when you are 3 mos pregnant and every smell is already multiplied 10x, but imagine for people on the plane who fell victim to it....yikes!

Anyway, Josiah loved the beach (as long as you didnt put him near the waves!), found a new favorite uncle (sorry Richie!), and ate like a little cow (as did Steven and I!). He got to see his grandma and acted extra sweet and cute just for her. When we left her at the airport Josiah waved bye-bye as if he were flagging down air traffic. It did rain quite a bit so no tans for us, but it was still a nice, relaxing getaway!

Besides the brief vomitfest on the way home, Josiah slept the rest of the flight! It was a great trip! Here are some pics! I'll post a slideshow later on.